Tuesday, March 2, 2010

homemade Sin 2

So after floundering around with the parts on hand that I got with the bike I started buying the parts that I really wanted on it. First I bougth the 2" over Forks by Frank, the the 10" mini apes by Flanders, to the Maxxis Wide White Wall tires, the paint, and some really goofy bull shit that I didnt use. After painting the engine, Tank and frame, wheels and anything else paint would stick to I put it all together. I must admit it looked good for the first try (to me anyway). So in all its flat black glory I rolled it out of the basement and proceeded to fire it up. I always thought the idea of kicking it to life for the first time was the way I was gonna do it. WRONG I must have kicked for 5 minutes straight trying to get it to fire with no luck, it didnt even hit a lick or two. Ok somethings going on I check everything over and find I didnt connect the hot wire for the coils all the way when I wired it. So now I'm tired of kicking with a good throbbing bruise on my shin from my foot slipping of the kicker numerous times, I say screw it and hit the push button. WAHWOOOOOOOOOOOP what the hell was that!? Seems my five minutes of kicking has filled my straight pipes with raw gas that ignites when you ACTUALLY get fire to the thing.WHO KNEW. Well I regain my composure after urinating on myself from the noise compared to to a sonic boom. Now for the true firing I reach down hit the button and to my amazement it comes to life under me. All four cylinders singing in perfect harmony through the straight pipes.I am as happy as a pig eatin slop you couldnt knock the grin off my face. There is nothing like firing up a machine that you have put so much effort into for the first time, and hearing the exhaust, feeling the vibrations, smelling the fresh paint being baked into the pipes that are wrapped so carefully. Then it happens bah bah bah blump and its over. HUM ok reach down hit the button click,.....click,......click what the hell. Oh no it didnt! Stand up to kick it over and I give it my best but there is no way its gonna budge. Yep thats right its locked up only after a minute of pure ecstacy. So now I just sit down on the ground slump against the wall and take a long drag off of the Marlboro Light hanging from my lips. DAMN IT and a few other words mumbled together to form a sentence resembling a kid with turrets is all I could get out. By now the reality had set in my bikes locked up nothing I can do tonight so I kick it over off the kick stand in a final rage before I go inside and drink, smoke and cuss myself to sleep.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Homemade Sin

This bike is what got me hooked on the custom bike world. It was a 1971 cb750 Honda, when I brought it home it was a rolling chassis at best. I bought it from a co-worker/friend. I had heard about this bike for 3 or 4 years then one day joking around told him what I would give him for it. His first response was "Fuck You" and at the time it was a deserved fuck you, he had spent alot of time collecting parts and dreaming of  his perfect bike, then I come along and put a price tag on his vision of a bike for himself. But two days later he come back with a price and said I could have it for that price and not a penny less. Needless to say I took it. While we were loading the boxes of parts, the engine, the frame and what not all the while he was telling me what he had in the parts and where he got them and the genaral story behind the bike itself. It turns out it was a bike that a friend of his bought new in 1971, now I know why he had such a connection to the bike, he had seen it in action (stock form) and had spent countless hours riding beside it sharing the road and good times with it and its owner. Anyway back to the bike the last thing he said when everything was loaded up was "I hope you know what your getting into, and I doubt you will EVER ride this thing".  I blew it off because I knew one thing for sure I WAS gonna ride this thing.
     Stay tuned for more of its story.........